The Magic of Marketing Bullets

A key element of my marketing process is generating a list of “bullets” that stacks my products’ benefits and addresses my prospects’ every concern in a rapid fire fashion. When done right, these bullets will quickly capture and lead your prospect’s attention, build their curiosity, and create fascination and desire in your product or service. Here’s how it’s done: Begin with one of your benefits that solves a big problem or gives a positive result. Add a generous amount of instant gratification. Finally, put it all together in a phrase that creates curiosity by promising the payoff – but not giving away the entire technique. The “formula” for creating FASCINATION is: Specific Benefit + Instant Gratification + Intense Curiosity. Example: Problem: Don’t know how to tell if a woman is ready to be kissed? Solution: The Kiss Test Result/Payoff/Benefit: Successfully kiss her, avoid rejection and loss of progress The art involved here has to do with the level of specificity that you use when describing your benefit and your technique, as well as the emotional words and phrases that you employ in your bullets, headlines or other “Fascination Phrases.” NOTE: The MASTER of “Fascinations” was Mel Martin – the writer for Boardroom. Check out Denny Hatch’s book “Method Marketing” and his chapter on Martin’s style (which includes an entire sales letter written by Martin).

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