200 Success Prompts

To use these prompts, just copy-paste the prompt and edit the section between brackets.

For example:

List 10 potential coaching niches for professionals who have career experience with [Industry 1], [Industry 2] & [Industry 3]. Rank them according to profitability and demand.


List 10 potential coaching niches for professionals who have career experience with [marketing], [yoga] & [podcasting]. Rank them according to profitability and demand.

  1. List three basic habits that contribute to good health.
  2. Research and describe the benefits of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep.
  3. I want to [lose weight]. List 3 possible diets.
  4. You are a [nutritionist]. Write me a plan based on the mediterranean diet.
  5. You are a nutritionist who follows [Dr. Michael Greger.] I want to lose weight going from [180 pounds to 170 pounds]. I am [35 years old, 5.7 feet, and male]. Give me a daily schedule including calories and types of foods to eat.
  6. I am a [52 year old female]. List the most important things I should be doing now to maintain and improve my longevity. 
  7. Give me your top 5 recommendations for better sleep. 
  8. Describe the pros and cons of the 5 healthiest diets in the world. 
  9. Help me implement a lifestyle similar to someone living in a blue zone.  
  10. Imagine you're advising a friend who wants to improve their health. Write a supportive message to them outlining a simple wellness plan.
  1. Define productivity and explain its importance.
  2. Design a daily productivity routine, including time for breaks and relaxation.
  3. List me a morning ritual of [60] minutes.
  4. List me a morning ritual of [60] minutes that includes [meditation, exercise & a healthy breakfast]. I want to feel [centered] after my ritual. Be creative and make me the best morning ritual you can think of.
  5. List me a morning ritual of [60] minutes that includes [meditation, exercise & a healthy breakfast]. I want to feel [centered] after my ritual. Imagine [Tony Robbins] would create the ritual.
  6. Help me imagine the perfect day. I want to do a structured routine approach, allocating time for [important work tasks, learning, personal development, and relaxation/social time]
  7. Help me imagine the perfect day. I want to do a flexible flow approach, allocating time for [focused work, breaks, a workout, and spontaneous/recreational activities]
  8. I need to [organize my apartment]. Create a list of concrete steps I need to take. 
  9. Create an efficient system for planning/organizing [my groceries and other errands].
  10. Create an easy-to-use digital filing system for [my photo collection]
  11. List the top recommendations for healthy digital habits. 
  12. Create an easy-to-use organization system for [my fridge]
  1. Explain what stress is and how it affects the body and mind.
  2. List ways I can change stress into eustress. 
  3. Create a personalized stress management plan that includes daily relaxation techniques.
  4. I’m feeling stressed because [my boss snapped at me for being late]. List 3 ways to reframe this.
  5. I have a belief that isn’t working for me: “[There’s never enough time].” List 3 ways to reframe this.
  6. I tell myself this story: “[I’m someone who always attracts the wrong people in my life].” List 3 ways to reframe this.
  7. I’m feeling [stressed out from this big deadline coming up]. Provide 5 stress management techniques.
  8. My boss said [that I really screwed this one up] to me. List me some ways to reframe this.
  9. List 3 quick ways to manage my stress when I’m [experiencing a fight with my partner].
  10. Define mindfulness and its benefits to mental health.
  1. Give me a positive affirmation to start my day with a joyful mindset. 
  2. I’m feeling [frustrated]. List some suggestions to improve my mood. 
  3. List some fun creative activities I can do this weekend in [Montreal]
  4. I’ve been struggling with [my appearance]. List some techniques or affirmations to cultivate a more positive mindset.
  5. Explain how [positive psychology] can enhance my well-being. 
  6. Explain how to integrate [gratitude] into my life if I’m a busy individual. 
  7. I want to practice gratitude journaling. Give me a prompt to start.
  8. I’m interested in [creative writing]. Give me your top recommendations for how to get inspired and get started.
  9. Give me a self-reflection exercise that will help align my life with what brings me deep happiness and satisfaction. 
  10. In my work as a [marketing manager] I don’t experience enough [flow and fulfillment]. List some actions I can take to change that. 
  11. I’d like to [improve my emotional well-being]. Help me set a goal and create a plan to achieve it.
  12. I'd like to have a reflective conversation. Help me explore my sources of joy and fulfillment in life by asking me one question at a time, waiting for my reply. 
  1. Describe the qualities of a healthy relationship.
  2. How do you have great relationships?
  3. I [made my friend feel terrible]. How can I apologize? 
  4. List the most important communication skills for successful [friendships]
  5. List 5 ways I can improve my [assertive communication].
  6. List 5 ways I can [strengthen bonding activities with my family]
  7. Help me plan a [family bbq]
  8. Draft an invite letter for [my friends] to my [baby shower at 225 Park Place on Nov 1, 2023]
  9. [My mother-in-law doesn’t like me]. Give me some ways to navigate this dynamic. 
  10. [My friend doesn’t trust me]. What can I do?
  1. Explain the five love languages.
  2. Plan an exciting memorable [date] in [Paris]. 
  3. Plan a budget date in [Toronto]
  4. I feel [disconnected from my partner]. Suggest ways to overcome this relationship challenge. 
  5. Give me some exciting ideas for what to do with my partner in [New York City].
  6. Describe what [Esther Perel] would recommend to couples who want [improved sex lives]
  7. Give me an example of an appealing online dating profile for [eHarmony]
  8. Suggest 5 first-date ideas in [Boston]. 
  9. Help identify key behaviors that would indicate my partner’s attachment style. 
  10. What are key communication skills for successful intimate relationships? 
Thinking & Decisions: Dilemmas
  1. Describe the most effective decision-making frameworks. 
  2. Describe how I could use [a decision matrix] to decide [what career to go into]
  3. This is my situation: [I’m thinking about shutting down my business]. What do you think I should do?
  4. Why did you come to this reasoning? Refer to resources, studies or books you’ve used.
  5. I’ve made the following decision: [I’m shutting my business down]. Can you make an argument against this?
  6. Imagine you’re a [scientist]. How would you decide between [staying in Canada or moving to Europe to be with your life partner]
  7. I’m choosing between [two job offers]. One [offers more stability], while the other [offers more growth opportunities]. Which would you pick?
  8. I’m deciding between [traveling to Seoul, New York or Paris]. Give me more information about these options to help me make a decision. 
  9. Provide more research or information on the pros and cons of [going to Seoul for a vacation].
  10. List the most important factors to consider when deciding on [a house to buy].
  1. Describe the key components of effective communication.
  2. Reflect on a time when good communication made a difference in the outcome of a situation.
  3. How can I explain [electromagnetism] to a 5 year old? 
  4. Imagine you're mediating [a disagreement between two friends]. Write a message that demonstrates [active listening and effective communication].
  5. Describe the most important but often underdeveloped communication skills. 
  6. Give me a step by step process to improve my [open-mindedness]
  7. Translate the following text from [English] into [Spanish]: [insert text here]
  8. Answer this email in a [professional] manner: [insert email text here]
  9. Draft a reply to [my team about the sales meeting tomorrow at 10am].
  10. List the most important things to be aware of when communicating with [a Chinese mother]
Learning & Adaptation
  1. Explain the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in today's world.
  2. Give me scientifically proven techniques to accelerate my learning. 
  3. I want to learn about [breakdancing].
  4. I want to start a business in [aviation]
  5. Can you give me 10 ideas on [how to test a business idea].
  6. Explain [the theory or relativity] in 3 sentences.
  7. Create a timeline for me to learn [how to program in Javascript]
  8. I want to learn more about [quantum physics]. List the top 3 resources a beginner should start with. 
  9. Explain the most effective ways to learn [how to do Fourier transformations].
  10. Explain [the world economy] to a [5 year old]
  1. Define creativity and explain its importance in personal and professional life.
  2. Describe a situation where a creative solution helped solve a problem.
  3. I am [building a website]. Explain how you would use a creative problem-solving technique to do it. 
  4. Imagine you're tasked with designing a new product or service. Outline your creative process and the final result.
  5. I’m creating [a new menu for my Japanese restaurant in Montreal]. Come up with unexpected ideas that have never been tried before. 
  6. I want to [lower my stress levels]. Come up with some novel ideas using ideas from unrelated industries and fields. 
  7. I want to [organize my apartment better]. Tell me how [Elon Musk] would do it. 
  8. Brainstorm some ideas for [a captivating opening line for my novel]
  9. I’m working on [a web design project]. Suggest different perspectives or ways of looking at the problem. 
  10. I’m searching for inspiration for my creative work. Suggest some [painters] who [work with vibrant colors and abstract styles]
Business Productivity / Prioritizing / Tasks / Schedule
  1. List the 5 most effective productivity habits of top performers. 
  2. Explain how to structure my day for maximum productivity. 
  3. Draft an email to [my team] about [the sales meeting tomorrow at 10am].
  4. List the most efficient workflow for [publishing content on our company YouTube channel]
  5. These are my main tasks. Think about how to prioritize them and give me a draft schedule for an [8 hour workday]:
    - [Prepare the annual financial report (Deadline: next week)]
    - [Respond to client emails (Deadline: today)]
    - [Brainstorm ideas for the new marketing campaign (No strict deadline)]
    - [Weekly team meeting (Scheduled for tomorrow)]
  6. Draft an email to [my marketing team] about: 
    - [The success of our last marketing campaign]
    - [Announcing our next meeting]
    - [Requesting data for the next report]
  7. I need to [organize a corporate event]. Create a list of concrete steps I need to take. 
  8. Tell me (step by step) how I can automate [the process of sending routine emails to my clients].
  9. Create an outline for my presentation on [my team’s weekly progress update on our firm’s software project]
  10. My business’ goal is [to increase annual revenue by 20% through new product launches]. We target [small-to-medium sized businesses in the healthcare industry in need of comprehensive EMR software]. List the most important priorities for achieving my business goals in the next 90 days. 
Career Development / Growth
  1. List the top 10 career paths with the highest potential for personal growth. 
  2. What’s the day to day of a [portfolio analyst] like? 
  3. Break down the pros and cons of becoming a [pastry chef]
  4. This is where I am in my career: I have [5 years of experience leading a team of IT professionals, 3 years of digital marketing, and 3 years CEO of a small startup]. I’m an [ENFJ]. I like [managing people] and I don’t like [analytical work]. Describe potential opportunities that you see for my further career advancement.
  5. What skills, technologies, and people would I need to know more about to help me get to [nuclear physicist at CERN]
  6. Create a step-by-step detailed plan and list of resources to help me get there.
  7. Write me a cover letter that stands out for [Project Manager]. 
  8. I am a [HR professional]. List the top 5 latest trends in my industry that I should learn more about. 
  9. My weakness as a [software team lead] is [emotional intelligence]. Give me resources and suggestions to develop it effectively and efficiently. 
  10. Give me suggestions for how I can transition from being a [high school teacher] to a [software engineer]
Personal Finance / Money
  1. Explain the basics of personal finance, including income, expenses, savings, and investments. 
  2. List the pros and cons of buying a house vs renting. 
  3. Summarize [Warren Buffet’s] financial philosophy. 
  4. List the most important financial strategies and concepts that the wealthy use to generate and protect their wealth. 
  5. I want to invest [100,000 dollars]. Explain [Ray Dalio’s “All Weather” portfolio] and how I can apply it.
  6. Explain how high-income earners in [the US] use [tax optimization] to manage and grow their wealth.
  7. I make [90,000 dollars a year] in [the US], I am [35 years old], and my financial goal is [to become a millionaire], explain how I should invest my money and when I will reach my goal. 
  8. Imagine you've received a windfall of [10,000 dollars]. Describe how you would manage it. 
  9. Create a personalized monthly budget and a basic investment plan for someone who makes [$8000/month] after taxes living in [Seoul, South Korea].
  10. Generate 10 creative ways to invest my money.
Business Case / Proposal / Pitching
  1. Describe how to pitch an idea. 
  2. List the most effective strategies to differentiate a product. 
  3. Draft a proposal for [a new pet services division]
  4. I’m pitching a new idea [to use a new project management software tool for our team] to [my department head]. Tell me how I should tailor my pitch and what I need to include to maximize its persuasiveness.
  5. I’m pitching an idea for [an AI-powered CRM system that would replace the current CRM system]. Give me 5 different ways to describe this idea to help someone understand it more easily. 
  6. List the top 3 most likely objections to my idea for [this software tool], and provide creative ways to address each objection. 
  7. List 5 features and benefits for my idea [of developing an app for our fitness equipment]
  8. Develop a persuasive sales pitch for [a digital language learning app] to [an angel investor]
  9. List 5 ways to differentiate this pitch.
  10. Give me some research to back up my idea for a [subscription box service]. Be sure to cite real sources and real research. 
Online Presence / Website / LinkedIn / Google Presence
  1. How do you write a headline for [LinkedIn]?
  2. How do you write a bio for [my website]?
  3. Suggest effective ways to build my network on [Twitter]
  4. Suggest ways to increase engagement with my content on [LinkedIn]
  5. Help me craft my brand voice. 
  6. I am a [fitness consultant]. What are the most effective platforms I should use? 
  7. I have [5 years of experience leading a team of IT professionals, 3 years of digital marketing, and 3 years CEO of a small startup]. List 3 [LinkedIn] headlines and bios.
  8. As a [freelance videographer], what keywords should I optimize for? 
  9. List the 5 most important things people are looking for when they search online for a [freelance copywriter].  
  10. Write a compelling post for [Twitter] about [mindful eating]
Networking / Client Communication
  1. Suggest effective and fun ways to build rapport at a networking event. 
  2. Draft a follow-up message to [John Day, a potential client, who I met at a conference].
  3. Give me some good conversation starters for [a networking event in the tech industry].
  4. Give me the most effective networking strategies for [entrepreneurs].
  5. Draft potential answers to the most common questions asked at [technology] networking events.
  6. Give me the latest industry trends, events and topics I should know about for my upcoming event in [the semiconductors sector].
  7. I am writing an email to [the media buyer for Kraft Foods Inc] about a new partnership. Give me some creative and attention-grabbing ways to open my email. 
  8. Generate a list of common questions clients ask during onboarding. 
  9. My client is concerned about [meeting project deadlines]. Draft a reply to address their concerns. 
  10. My client wants [an online store]. What questions should I ask them to clarify their expectations? 
  1. Brainstorm 10 unique content ideas for my [travel agency].
  2. Give me 10 ways to make the introduction for my article more captivating. 
  3. Draft an outline for an article on [the benefits of meditation]
  4. Create a captivating introduction for an article about [sustainable fashion]
  5. Give me some research about [the benefits of grass-fed beef]. Include citations from real sources. 
  6. Give me 10 different catchy headlines for my article on [healthy eating on a budget]
  7. What types of content are most appealing to [fitness enthusiasts]?
  8. Rewrite this text to be more succinct: [Paste content]
  9. Optimize this text for SEO, choosing the best keywords for its topic: [Paste content]
  10. My target audience is [located in the US and Europe, ages 22-45, mostly female, and looking for things related to meditation]. Create a list of 10 pieces of content that will generate the most traffic for me.  
  1. Summarize the top 10 marketing books I should read. 
  2. List the 10 most effective marketing strategies of all time. 
  3. Summarize the most important marketing principles. 
  4. Think of a marketing strategy for my [sustainable event planning agency].
  5. List the 3 most pressing issues facing my target audience of [affluent health-conscious mothers].
  6. Give me 10 ideas for content related to my industry [computer accessories] that my target audience of [tech-savvy gamers] would find valuable. 
  7. List the three most searched-for terms of all-time for [busy moms looking for babysitters].
  8. Give me the most effective hashtags that the biggest names in the [fitness industry] are using on [tiktok].
  9. Create 10 juicy headlines using power words for a [software product that helps with your analytics].
  10. List 10 influencers I could partner with to promote my [micro-tourism experiences company].
  11. List 10 effective ways to incentivize customers to refer others to my [VR Arcade]
  12. Generate an anecdote about [how meditation improved someone's focus].
  13. Write an outline for a creative welcome email automation for my [fitness consulting business]
  14. Create a personalized cold outreach email that [highlights my experience working with small businesses to generate leads and sales addressed to Mustafa, owner of Dog Foods Inc.] Start with a compelling statement, use social proof, offer value, and keep it short. 
Vision / Goals
  1. List 5 simple questions that will help me craft a personal vision statement. 
  2. Ask me 5 simple questions to help me clarify my vision for [my online business].
  3. Create a set of SMART goals that would help me reach my vision. 
  4. Give me some different perspectives and possibilities on how to achieve my vision. 
  5. List easy-to-follow strategies for staying accountable and measuring my progress. 
  6. What is the single-most important metric I should focus on to [establish a non-profit focused on environmental conservation]
  7. Describe what others have done to [learn a new language]. Include some unconventional methods as well.  
  8. I’m stuck with my goal of [running a marathon]. I struggle with [staying motivated during long training runs]. What can I do? 
  9. Imagine [city infrastructure] in a futuristic setting. What innovative solutions can we envision?
  10. Pretend you are my future self. You've made tremendous progress in [your career as a software engineer]. You've become a respected leader in your field, successfully launching several initiatives that made a big impact in your industry. You faced challenges head-on by maintaining a growth mindset. Tell me how you achieved what you did. 
Leadership / Coaching / Team Management
  1. Define a great [leader]
  2. Give me an inspirational quote I can use to inspire my team today. 
  3. List the top 10 habits of effective leaders.
  4. List the 10 most important skills of great leaders. 
  5. Explain 5 different ways to run effective team meetings.  
  6. Suggest 5 ways to [build trust] within my team.
  7. I want to tell my team member [Patrick that he’s done a great job on our latest project, but often delivered tasks behind schedule]. Formulate motivational, clear, and constructive feedback.
  8. Develop an easy-to-follow plan to help [Patrick deliver tasks on schedule]
  9. Give me small specific things I can do as a leader to improve my [empathy]
  10. I’m experiencing a [conflict between my marketing head and sales head. Marketing thinks their primary responsibility is generating leads but Sales thinks that Marketing should be more involved in sales]. Provide insight and suggestions for how to defuse this conflict between staff members.