15 Point Video Sales Letter Formula
1.1 Overview

In this video, you’ll learn WHY video sales letters can work for you even if you have no copywriting experience. You’ll also learn the ‘secret sauce’ that drives the very best video sales letters.

1.2 Preparation

To prepare to use this Implementation Plan, please make sure you have reviewed and completed the following implementation plans in the STARTUP Club AI members area:

The 15 Step Formula
2.1 Grab Attention

In this video, you’ll learn a powerful technique for instantly grabbing your customer’s attention in the first few seconds of your VSL.

2.2 Make A Big Bold Promise

This is where you tell your customer why they should watch your entire video to the end. Here are the key points you need to include:

2.3 Why Watch Now

People procrastinate. Here’s how you persuade your customer to not only watch the entire video, but to watch it immediately. Ignoring this step will cost dearly.

2.4 Problem/Desire Statement

In this video, you’ll learn how to properly describe the customer’s problem and quickly create the rapport you need to sell.

2.5 Agitate

In this video, you’ll learn how to really build the emotion and get your customer fired up for a solution.

2.6 Benefits Of Your Solution

Here’s where you start hinting at your solution and building up the anticipation for your offer.

2.7 Origin Story/Hero's Journey

We’ve spent the first part of the VSL talking about the customer’s problems and situation. Now is a good time to introduce yourself and establish yourself as a credible authority. Here’s how:

2.8 Education/Demonstration

Before you talk about the product itself, you can choose to share some of the actual tips and key features that make it unique, which builds even more anticipation…

2.9 Introduce The Offer

Here’s how to properly introduce your product so it’s seen as high value and desirable.

2.10 Introduce Bonuses

Learn the right (AND WRONG) way to introduce your bonuses. This is an important step for building up your value and the urgency to buy.

2.11 The Takeaway

How to use a little reverse psychology to instantly raise the perceived value of your offer.

2.12 Irresistible Guarantee

Learn how to use ‘creative guarantees’ to remove the risk and push remaining non-buyers off the fence.

2.13 Offer Scarcity

An essential component to any high converting VSL. Make sure it’s legitimate though.

2.14 Decision Time

How to encourage your customers to buy now without being pushy.

2.15 Final Call To Action

Finally, learn how to use ‘future pacing’ to end your VSL on a strong and positive note.

Creating Your Video Sales Letter
3.1 Simple VSL Creation Tools

In this video, you’ll get a list of free and inexpensive tools you can use to create your own VSL’s today.